Everything you need to know about our Money Back Guarantee
Our highest priority is satisfied customers. Therefore we work hard every day to offer you the most affordable packages at the best possible prices. This also counts for all of our existing services and every service we will add in the future. Included in all of these services is a special Money Back Guarantee. Additionally, we have a Refill guarantee. Taking into account both of these extraordinary services, your social media investment is always safe with BuyCheapestFollowers.
When am I able to get a Refund?
With BuyCheapestFollowers, you will receive a 100% Money Back Guarantee with any service you purchase on our website. If, for any reason, we are not able to fulfill your order, we will refund your payment completely. This Guarantee is only valid 48 hours after successful order confirmation. You can contact our customer service only after this period to ask for your refund. We will initiate the necessary process immediately to refund your payment.

How long does a Refund take?
As soon as the period of 48 hours after your successful order has passed, we will initiate your refund request. We will always use the same payment method you chose to refund your order. According to these payment methods, the duration of fully receiving your refund can vary. Please note that it can take up to three business days until you we will process your refund on your previously chosen payment method.
Can I get a Refund if I do not want the service anymore?
We try to improve our services constantly and work hard to satisfy every customer. If you do not like or want our services anymore, we will ask you for your honest feedback. Yet, the Money Back Guarantee does not apply if you are not satisfied with the service or simply changed your mind. The reason for this is that we can not take back the services we have sent to you already. The Followers/Likes you have already received are not easily refundable.

What happens if my purchased services disappear?
If you have received the ordered Followers, Likes, Views, Comments, or any other service, they usually will not disappear anymore. This is valid for every service on any social media platform we offer on our website. However, we want to protect you from all possible outcomes to secure your investment. This is why we offer a unique Refill Guarantee for every service we offer.
When does the Refill Guarantee apply?
If in the unlikely case, you will realize a decline in your ordered service, we will immediately refill it without any costs. Generally, this Refill Guarantee is valid for up to 30 days after your order confirmation. Still, some of our services are eligible to get a refill for up to 6 months. This specifically applies to our automated services, such as “Instagram Auto Likes,” “Instagram Auto Comments,” and “Instagram Auto Views.”

I still have more questions regarding Your Guarantees.
If you still have more questions regarding our Money Back Guarantee or Refill Guarantee, feel free to contact us directly. Our friendly customer service is available via LiveChat or via email for everyone. Here you can find kind support agents that will help you solve any questions regarding our guarantees or any other service provided.