You've got a new video on Twitter and you want to know who saw it? If you're like many other people in the world, you have probably tried to find ways to do this, and of course, you would discover that's a difficult task. While it may be easy to see the number of people who have viewed your Twitter video at a glance because of a feature that has been implemented, knowing the people who have viewed it isn’t as easy.
To many, getting to know the people who have viewed your Twitter video is simply impossible, and this is understandable especially since there is no specific feature that lets you know the people that have viewed your Twitter video. When you post videos on Twitter, you don't see how many times they've been viewed, or who has seen them.
Nevertheless, we have found something close to a solution for this issue. Here is what we have found out: There are a ton of ways that you can use to see who views your video on Twitter. It is still true that It's not always easy to tell who viewed your video in the first place. But with the type of digging we have done, you should be able to find the people who viewed your videos on Twitter.
Do you want to know them? Here are the special ways to find out who has viewed your videos on Twitter:

Use Twitter Analytics
All social media platforms include analytics, and Twitter is not exempted. The function of digital analytics is the same across all boards. It is the process of collecting data from many digital sources to keep users informed. Of course, it also involves the analysis of the data.
In most cases, you can get the data that are difficult to get from a media platform when you use analytics. This is why using Twitter analytics has been brought to light in case you want to learn more things like the number of people that saw your Twitter videos.
If you do not get to see who viewed your Twitter video from any twitter feature, you can always use your Twitter analytics to learn about this information. If you can explore your Twitter analytics effectively, you will not only get information on the number of people that have viewed your video, but you will also know about where they are viewing the video from, and of course, you can see other things like the gender and time of view too. In essence, Twitter analytics gives you the complete package as far as getting to know who viewed your video is concerned.

By Retweets
Although this is no guarantee or always a 100 percent correct way to see who viewed your Twitter video, it is certainly one of the ways to guess the people who have viewed your video.
If someone has clicked on one of your tweets or retweeted one of yours, you'll notice an arrow icon that shows that they have retweeted your video—this means they were interested enough in what they saw there that they wanted more information, so they retweeted it. Of course, this does not guarantee that they have viewed it. It does signify interest. And yes, there is a possibility that they view it later, if not now.
Comments on Your Video
Like retweeting, this does not directly clarify that a person has viewed your video. But it does put a perspective on it. And yes, it is worth looking into. If someone is replying with comments about your video, check out what they said.
In their comments, you would be able to detect and decide if it has enough substance to show that they have viewed the video. If the video is passing a message about health, and their comment has depicted an understanding of what is in the video, then, there is a high tendency that they have viewed the video. Sometimes, some people ask questions relating to the video that you have uploaded. Now, this is a clear way to know that the person has viewed your video.
Undoubtedly, knowing who viewed your Twitter video can help you better understand the people who view your content.

Benefits of Knowing Who Viewed Your Twitter Video
Nowadays, it's not uncommon to see big brands using Twitter videos to promote products or services. This can be a great way to build brand awareness and engage with customers. But if you're not keeping track of those views, how do you know which ones are most valuable? Here are some benefits of knowing who viewed your Twitter video:
You'll know what kind of content resonates with your audience and why
Before now, you already know that there are many ways to enhance marketing and have an improved audience on Twitter. And you are probably not new to the idea that if you buy Twitter Views or buy Twitter Followers from reliable sources, you have a good chance of improving your sales on Twitter.
But after buying Twitter Views to improve your audience, and sales, there is a need to keep the audience for a long period. In the end, having that 1000 crazy supporters are every business owner’s dream. To do this, you would need to keep your audience interested, and you only do this if you know what type of content resonates with them.
When you know the number and the type of people who view your business-centered videos, you easily get an insight into what interests your audience. This way, you can continue improving on the content that makes your target audience happy. If you find that your target audience is not interested in the type of content that you give, you easily change tactics.
You'll be able to make more informed decisions about how best to promote your brand through social media.
Of course, knowing who sees the videos you upload on Twitter is a good way to improve your content and tailor your videos in line with what your target audience seems to enjoy. It is not the only benefit that matter. In addition to being able to do this, you also get to be able to promote your brand specially.
When you get to know what your present target audience loves from knowing the people that view your video, you can continue to give them what they want. However, it is also certain that you will find out other people that show interest in your videos when you learn about the people that view your videos. Knowing this is going to give you the right information you need, and prepare you for the next time you make a video for marketing's sake.
The next time you make a video, you would make one that captures the attention of the present target audience and also reach far and wide to attract potential customers. In essence, knowing who views your video is one of the best ways to improve your marketing and promotion skills.

You'll be able to target specific demographics to reach them on a more personal level than before.
If you are a business owner on Twitter, you have probably uploaded a video to advertise the product you are selling or the types of service that you rendered. If this is the case with you, you are not doing anything wrong! You couldn’t be more on track.
As earlier stated, knowing the people that view your business-centered videos is great for business in the sense that it helps you know if your target audience is still interested in what you have for them, and in turn helps you prepare to do more, or better.
In addition to doing this for you, it also aids promotion differently. While you get to learn more about how to promote your products publicly from the people who view your videos, you also get to learn how to promote more discreetly.
You also get to reach out to the new accounts that have viewed your videos. When you reach out, you get to tell them more about the product you sell or the service you render. This way, they can make up their mind about patronizing you or not.
Hopefully, this post helped you learn how to see who viewed your Twitter video. This is a handy feature, and it's particularly useful for businesses that use Twitter to promote special promotions or sales.
From here, you can start replying to them and engaging with them, getting a better sense of who's watching your videos. And maybe you can even convert some viewers into followers, too.
Seeing which accounts are watching your video will allow you to know who has seen it so that you can reach out to them more directly for future promotions. Plus, this information will help you gauge the effectiveness of your video's content, as well as its length. Once again, we hope you found this post helpful, and that you're happy watching whose eye your videos are catching!