There are debates about the metaverse in technological spaces in today’s world. While the idea of the concept has not materialized everywhere, we have started seeing traces in special places. One such is the ability to link your Facebook account to your Instagram account.
This is a feature that was recently introduced by Mark, and of course, it has served its purpose in many ways. The idea of linking Facebook and Instagram has helped business owners, especially in the following ways:
Promote Posts and Stories
Before the concept of linking Facebook with Instagram was introduced, business owners indulged in other means of promoting their business posts on Facebook and Instagram. One of the popular ways is when they buy Instagram Followers. While this approach is still as effective as ever, it isn’t the only way to promote posts and stories.
Linking your Facebook account with your Instagram account is essential for promotion in this time and age because there are regions in the world where you would need a Facebook page to promote your business.

You can run the same Ads on both Accounts
Creating a substantial ad is no easy feat. Since it is always advisable to create quality ads instead of creating a lot of non-substantial ones, being able to link your accounts is an opportunity to take advantage of one quality ad that you have. You no longer need a different ad for different social media platforms.
Manage your Messages
You receive messages from your customers concerning your product. When your Facebook account and Instagram account are linked, you can use messenger to manage your messages from one inbox. This way, you do not have to constantly switch between accounts to answer your messages.
Conveniently Pay for Promotions
When both accounts are linked, you can use one account to run payment of the promotion that will work on both. This is also applicable when you buy Facebook Followers to boost your exposure and sales. You can decide to pay for both accounts from your Instagram account or your Facebook account. At the end of the day, what matters is if you are comfortable with the account that you are using.
Linking these two accounts comes with its pros. Nevertheless, it comes with its disadvantages too.

Disadvantages of Linking Facebook and Instagram Accounts
Here are some disadvantages or turn-offs of linking your Facebook account with your Instagram account:
They have Different Audiences
Many people may find it difficult to believe but the people that are interested in what you post on Instagram are not the same people that follow your business page on Facebook. Most times, people who love beauty and aesthetics tend to use Instagram more. What appeals to your Facebook audience may not appeal to the Instagram audience.
People may Feel Limited
When the audience across these two platforms realizes that you are feeding them the same content, they may feel like you are not putting in enough effort. And, of course, it may come across to some people like you are cheating them. This is certainly one of the biggest turn-offs about linking Facebook accounts and Instagram accounts.
If the Cons of linking your Instagram account with your Facebook account outweigh the pros, the best thing to do is to unlink your Facebook and Instagram accounts. And, of course, you are lucky, there are procedures to take if you want to do that.

How to Unlink Facebook and Instagram using Instagram App
Here are some procedural steps that you can take if you want to unlink Facebook and Instagram:
Go to your Instagram Account
Since your Facebook and Instagram accounts are linked, you need to do things differently. To start with, you may decide to log into any of the accounts. But for the sake of this approach, you should use the Instagram account.
Go to Settings
As it is with most media platforms where you are trying to set something up, you will need to go to the settings as soon as you log into your account, and get access to your Instagram profile.
Go to the Account Center
From the options that you will get when you click on settings, which include supervision, security, Ads, Help, account, and about, among others, you will find the account center highlighted in blue at the bottom. Click on it.
Go to Accounts
Under the account center, you also get to see a list of menus. The menus include managing connected experiences, which has the logging in with accounts and sharing across accounts. Also under the account center, you will find account settings which have a menu called Account, under it. Click on this account.
As you have clicked on the account under account settings, you would be shown the account of your Facebook platform. Click on remove to unlink it from your Instagram platform
Don’t forget to Confirm
After you have removed the Facebook account, you must confirm the operation by clicking on continue when the confirmatory message appears on your mobile screen.
Now that you have removed the Facebook account, there is something you must do if both accounts share the same password. You must change one of the passwords so that you can access them separately without hindrance.
Final Thoughts
Linking Facebook and Instagram accounts can serve a lot of purposes, especially in business. So far, we have been able to link the combination of these accounts for easier Ads and better promotions for your product. Most people use this marketing strategy even as they buy Facebook Followers to ensure that their products get the visibility that it deserves across all social media platforms.
While the benefits of linking Facebook and Instagram cannot be overemphasized, there are also limitations strong enough to make some business owners desire to unlink Facebook and Instagram. The intriguing thing is some people get to this stage faster than others. If you are not here yet, it is fine. And as expected, you have these procedures to follow if you are already at the stage where unlinking Facebook and Instagram is the best thing for your business.