We live in a fast-paced world. Everything and everyone is moving so fast that you have to keep up. And sometimes, that's not going to be easy. Financial Stability is a long-lost luxury that used to be a past fable. Markets change their entire outlook in a matter of hours. Companies are expanding their business models so much that it is hard to follow.
With such vast diversity, life also brings us some exciting new opportunities. New ideas, new people, new products get added almost every minute. You have to run along simultaneously to make it to the top in such a fast and rapidly changing reality. And today, we are here with exactly such information which will blow your mind and help you get there and beyond.
'How you can make money on Pinterest with extreme ease and from the comfort of your home.' You don't have to be an expert or anything to use these methods. Anybody who is willing and wants to have passive income can do this easily. No age limit can trouble you. Whether a teen or a senior citizen, Anyone can use these techniques and secure their financial situation themselves.
There are tons of examples out there of people in their late 50s who made 100,000$ in a span of 3 months. All this sounds so fascinating, and a question might pop into your head about how it is possible. It is possible because of the unique and brilliant working model of Pinterest, which offers huge opportunities with hundreds and thousands of visitors on your blogs every day. Just think about it; thousands of people visit your blogs daily. Even if you can convince only 1% of them to give you only 10$, it is 100$ in your pocket. This number is not limited, It even goes up to so much more for so many users who have got the knack of how to do it right.
And we are here for that exact purpose. We will guide you through every little detail and every little trick out there so you can get started on your journey and earn big bucks using Pinterest. Also, you can buy Pinterest Followers from us to give your profile a big boost.

What is Pinterest
To answer this briefly, Pinterest is this huge search engine that sorts and ranks the blogs and articles that its users write. People can go on their website and search for any question they might have concerning any topic, for example, “How to stay healthy?” or “Build designs for Minecraft.” Yes, that’s correct Pinterest is not only a website that covers almost every subject out there, but it also allows its users to share their original and unique ideas.
Pinterest is like many huge bulletin boards where people can make their own boards or pin their thoughts, ideas, and content on existing boards. Users can gather a lot of information in a very less time because it has a post-it note-styled appearance. Even kids can easily read a post-it note on a refrigerator, so imagine how simple it would be for you.
Pinterest allows you to share your articles from your own website and paste them on like a pinboard. Pinterest brings together communities of artists, designers, professionals, architects, engineers, and gamers to one single platform where they all can share their ideas and flourish.
How does Pinterest works
Pinterest essentially is a platform for visual-based searching. It is described as a visual search engine. One might think it is only a social media platform, but it is recognized as a search engine.
To understand what Pinterest is, you need to understand two main components it has;
1. Pins
2. Boards
Pins are the photos or images you link on Pinterest from any other website or your own website. On the other hand, boards are a collection of pins that share a common theme.
The interesting thing is it allows you to use pins from other authors and pin them to your article. Now, they will be known as ‘repins.’ This gives you an immense amount of creative liberty. You can follow other users, or you can follow different boards. Doing so will make similar content appear on your feed like other apps.
Not only is it an image-based platform, but users can also upload and watch videos of any length.
Now that we are familiar with Whats and Whys of Pinterest, let’s get into Hows. There are a few different directions you can choose to make money on Pinterest. But certain things will help you know and prepare for a lot before we begin.

Few things you absolutely need to know before you start making money on Pinterest
First, there are only two main components you need to understand and utilize to make money on Pinterest successfully.
- Blogging
- Marketing
Second, you need to try and find a niche or a subject that works best for you. It would be best if you only chose a niche that you are genuinely interested in. This niche will be the base of your whole journey. This journey is not a 100-meter race; it’s a marathon.
Now, you might wonder how I should choose the niche that suits me the best. You might find certain topics on which you can write, and they drive in many people, but if you do not enjoy writing about this topic, you will burn out too soon. Before you can even begin to gain a substantial income, you will have to start all over again.
Well, the answer is simple. A perfect niche is a combination of three things;
- Passion and love
- Skills and abilities
- Market demand
When choosing a subject, you need to ask yourselves, Will I enjoy writing about it? Am I capable of writing a great piece of content about it? And are people looking for it? And the subject that gets a Yes from all three is your holy grail.
How to make money online on Pinterest in 2021 using Marketing and Blogging
Essentially how people make money online on Pinterest is that they find a hot and trending topic that many people are searching for, and they make pins and articles about them. For example, in the holiday season, millions of people are looking for “How to wrap a perfect Christmas gift?” or “How to bake cookies?”.
So now they take inspiration from those topics and write a piece of article or blog about it. After that, they share these articles or blogs on Pinterest and attach a link to a product closely related to the topic to the article. For example, the topic is “How to bake cookies?” so attach a product like an “easy bake tray” to it.
This kind of marketing is called Affiliate Marketing. For every product sold, the author receives a commission that ranges from 50-75%, which is a lot! How crazy it is, you don’t have to manufacture the product or even worry about transporting the product; still, you receive such a hefty commission. That’s wonderful.
Now I know there will be a million questions in your heads right now, like, oh my god! How can I do this? Where can I find these products? Worry not; We are here to guide you step-by-step through the whole process, from setting up a Pinterest account to receiving your first payment. Also, check out this YouTube video to understand this better.

How to set up your Pinterest account
Let's begin by setting up your own Pinterest account. To monetize your account, you need to set up a Business Account. Don't worry. It's free to set up a business account.
What makes a Business Account more useful to us is the fact that it unlocks certain tools to;
- Helps you grow your audience more organically.
- Drive a lot of traffic to your account.
- Sell more products very easily.
It also unlocks analytics, which allows you to regularly monitor statistical data like how many people visit your account daily, which pins are doing better or worse than others. Having a business account helps you plan your content accordingly.
What you need to do to set up a Business Account is:
- Visit their website pinterest.com. On the right-hand side of your screen, you can see an option called Sign-up. Click that button. A page will pop up where you need to fill in the required data, such as your email address, a password for your account, and your age.
- Hitting the 'create' button will open up another pop-up with a congratulations message and a name generated based on your email. You can change this name to whatever you like by clicking the edit button (paintbrush icon) next to the name displayed.
- After that, it will ask you to select your gender identity, language, and country, or region, and a few of the niches or topics that interest you. This information will allow Pinterest to generate a home feed for you.
- Now, your normal account is created. After that, we want to convert it to a business account. To do so, you need to click on a downwards pointing arrow on the top right corner of the page. Clicking that arrow will open a drop-down menu where you'll find an option labeled 'Convert to business.' Clicking this will open a page describing all the benefits of having a business account. Here, click upgrade.
- Now we are on the page where we need to put a photo and a profile name, and remember, you must put a photo because it will help you get your profile recognition.
- Below that, there will be a bar where you can put your website URL. Here you can either put the link to your blog or use linktr.ee to create one link with multiple links. Creating a linktr.ee link will help you redirect your viewers to your blog or a product you are promoting. Visit linktr.ee to learn more.
After that, you'll be asked a few more questions regarding what you want to achieve using your account, what kind of business you are, and whether you want to advertise using Pinterest. Fill that out, and you are done!

How to use blogs and pins
There are two paths ahead from here, either you can decide to write blogs and attach them to your pins, or you can make pins directly. Keep in mind, making a blog is way better for your profile recognition and will drive a lot more traffic to your account.
To successfully set up a blog, we recommend self-hosting because it looks more genuine and serious to the advertisers. Nobody takes free-hosted blogs seriously these days.
Also, the free web hosting services won't allow you to monetize your blog very efficiently. So don't cheap out. It will only cost a few dollars per month.
A great point to move ahead from here would be visiting Pinterest and looking for what people are searching for, what people need, and what kind of pins and boards are trending right now. This way, you can understand what to write and what will drive the most traffic to your page.
The obvious next step would be to start writing. So go to your computer, put on some nice music and get busy writing.
Now that you have a few blogs or articles up your sleeves go back to Pinterest and start searching. Search 'How to stay healthy…' or 'health' or 'Fitness.' Pay attention to the searches that appear on the top. For example, let's say you like to write Fitness blogs and you have a few articles ready to go. These are the questions most people are asking.
With that data, figure out which one is the most relevant and which suits your articles the best. In our example, we figured 'How to stay healthy without too much effort' is the most asked question.
We need to create a board that uses that question as a keyword and fill it up with many pins linking your articles.
Now before we get into how to create a Pin or a Board on Pinterest efficiently, let's figure out how to write up an article and integrate affiliate links within that article to earn profit.

How to integrate Affiliate links to your articles
Now you are all done writing up an amazing article, ready to go. You need to find products associated with your article's theme that you can advertise and promote.
clickbank.com, warriorplus.com, digistore24.com are some of the websites where you find so many products to choose from, and they even give you a 50-75% commission on each successful purchase.
Let's understand the process with our previous example. You wrote an article about "How to stay healthy without too much effort." A healthy veggie juice would be an excellent product that you can market.
Let's go onto one of the websites mentioned above and find such product that suits you the best. You can also check beforehand that you are comfortable promoting this product. Once you have done that, you will obtain a link that will redirect users to the product page to make purchases and give you that hefty 50-75% commission.
You can put this product link in your article where you deem it's appropriate and make a hyperlink. There you go!

How to make Pinterest Pins and Boards
Now we are all set to go and publish on Pinterest and reach as many people as we can. Having done all the steps discussed above, all that has remained is to make boards and pins. Let's do that.
The first step will be to create a board. To do so, you need to go and press the create button. This will open up a page where we will create a pin. Upon the right-hand side, there is a bar. Click that and go to the bottom of the menu. You'll see the 'Create new Board' button. Keep in mind the keyword we found; you'll have to incorporate that in the board's name.
Remember to insert as many keywords as possible without going absolutely nuts into profile bio, pin descriptions, and board names.
Now we have created a board. Next, we will create a pin. You can find a box on the left where you put a picture or a video on the same page. Canva is a great website that you can use to create your own images for free. Do use that. There are already tons of templates to choose from.
After successfully inserting an image or a video, you have to give a title to your pin. Write a short description of your pin. Make it attractive and sassy; remember to incorporate keywords as well.
Now you'll see a bar below which asks you for a URL. At this point, you do something so great that it can potentially double the amount of money you can make from that individual pin.
You can make a landing page. If you don't know what a landing page is, it is a page where you put a little information about your article and offer people a free pdf or a crash course, let's say a free e-book on how to improve your health 25 days or a crash course in learning how to cook healthier in 5 days.
Essentially, you are doing this to get the visitors' e-mails and re-target them again by sending mass e-mails promoting other products or services. Isn't it great?
You can create free landing pages and monitor how many visitors you have on the page, along with sending mass e-mails on convertkit.com. Also, do remember to add a redirect on your landing page to your blog. Once you finish creating a landing page, you have to put the link to this landing page in the bar that asks for a URL and hit publish. You’re good to go!
We know this can be a lot to grasp, but worry not, we have found a perfect video guide which will explain everything in detail to you, enjoy.